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body positive fitness

putting the feel good back into fitness

dance inspired workouts for inside out wellbeing

introducing the bodyJoy method!

the revolutionary dance fitness method for ultimate mind/body wellbeing!

whilst mainstream fitness focuses on how you feel when you look AT your body, we like to focus on how it feels to be IN your body (because you spend like, all your time there!)


bodyJoy classes are exclusively designed to guide you towards:


  • Connecting to your body’s internal wisdom

  • Celebrating your body through its ever changing states

  • Improving your body’s function so you can do life with more ease and flow

  • Accessing more confidence, freedom and happiness through the power of movement

  • Nurturing your wellbeing so you can live happier - longer!

join us IRL!

Find your local bodyJoy group or book a wellbeing workshop to add a dose of joy & empowerment to your event or team! There's nothing like finding body joy with a community of like minded souls!

body positive fitness class london
body positive home workouts

join us online!

Our signature programme, designed to give you everything your feel good fitness practise needs - accessible to you whenever, wherever you want it! 3x weekly on demand classes, a library of past classes plus an online community & support from head coach Maz!

'I can't thank you enough! To rekindle dance cardio has been the biggest joy! Feel so excited to continue this journey!'

'I'm just loving the classes! It gives the impression you're exercising with a friend! I've done more workouts already this year than the whole of last year so that's a big win for me!'

'the approach is so holisitc and beautiful. It's been one of the only things in the fitness industry that has made me feel welcome & happy!'


Founded by Marissa - professional dancer & certified Personal Trainer

'After 6 years of developing my own voice in the fitness space, bodyJoy is my offering to all of us who’ve been unwittingly damaged, excluded or put off by the current fitness narrative and want an alternative that makes working out feel like an act of self celebration, not self punishment!


This method is a direct outpouring of my heart and soul - it’s a kind of homecoming to the type of movement that has empowered me my whole life, but that I lost sight of for a while when the fitness industry sucked me in!


I'm so glad that something about bodyJoy has resonated with you and I can't wait to see you in class real soon!'

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